Levels of Examinations

    GAJSMA-India conducts the various levels of examinations and also arranges to get various levels of international grading certificates through TCOC. All level examinations are mandatory to conduct by all the abacus membership association in india to measure the quality of teaching and performance of students in each level. Participating in the periodic international grading examinations are optional.

    Junior – 2levels (3months per level) age upto 6 years

    Basic – 3levels (3months per level) age from 6 to 9 years

    Intermediate - 4level (3months per level) age upto 12years Basic levels to be completed before entering into the Intermediate level.

    Master - 3levels (4months per level) age upto 15years Basics and intermediate levels to be completed before entering into the Master level.

    Dan – 6level (6months per level) those who all completed Master levels can enter into the Dan level.